• The school shall inform the Parents/Guardians about the ward's academics, health, behavior, conduct and any other relevant developments at regular intervals
• The school has the full authority to suspend/terminate from school any child on disciplinary or academic grounds if the same is found necessary in the interest of the child and/or school.
• Children are not allowed to keep cash/valuables/jewellery in school.
• Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited as the school provides telephones and other communication facilities to the children. Hence if any child is found in possession of a mobile phone the same will be confiscated and not returned.
• Parents must not give any gifts in cash or kind to any staff member of the school
• Permission to attend special functions at home shall not be usually granted, as a safeguard both for study and health.
• Parents my visit or take their children out for a maximum of two outings a month on Sundays and holidays. Night outings may be availed as per rules and are usually permitted once a month with parents only. The school must be provided with details of any visitors authorized by the parents to visit their children in writing.
• The school is very particular about punctuality. Any child reporting late to school would be fined as per rules and the amount collected would be donated for charity.
• The school provides wholesome nourishing meals to the children as well as a canteen on campus. Parents must not give any food items or tuck to their children as that disrupts the diet planning of the child.
• The school organizes additional help in subjects that a child may be facing difficulty with on the request of parents. Please route such requests to the Principal so that necessary arrangements may be made.
• Birthday parties are organized by the school for all children at an additional expense to the parents.
• Phone calls can be made to the children only on holidays and weekends. In case of emergencies the parents may contact the respective House Mistress / House Master.
• Visitors are allowed to meet the children only on designated days like holidays and weekends. In case of an unavoidable reason a mid week /working day visit to meet the child may be permitted by the Principal only, for which prior admission must be taken.